Courses, Lectures, Tours
2014 • Period Rooms: Research, Planning and Presentation HA489E (1.5 units)
Stuart Stark presented this credit course for Museum and Historic Site professionals from western Canada, during the summer of 2014 as an intensive week-long course, with a preliminary project, class room time and specific field trips. Two further projects were included during the course.
Period Rooms are common in historic sites and historic museums. They are artificial creations that require a lot of investment in staff time; in physical space; in long-term commitment of the institution; and in the conservation and security of the artifacts on show. Done correctly, they can be a powerful teaching tool. However, they do not always present an appropriate message to the visitor.
This course explored historic fashion and taste of Period Rooms; how to research and plan period rooms, both archivally and onsite; and how to use that research to achieve a back story to enhance the visitor’s understanding of the exhibit. Choosing appropriate materials for period rooms was included. Designing a period room as a group (noting the roles of curator, designer, and conservator) concluded the course.
For the University of Victoria, Cultural Management Program
1996; 1998 • The Fabric of Heritage Buildings
Stuart Stark presented this credit course twice as an intensive eight day program for museum and historic site professionals from across Canada and the United States.
Course content was planned to allow participants to become familiar with the materials in historic buildings and how best to preserve those materials in an original form as possible.
Course consisted of lectures, field trips, and two major projects using historic sites in the Victoria area.
For the University of Victoria, Continuing Education Division
For several years, Stuart Stark presented Heritage Homeowner Workshops, usually as Team Leader, in towns and municipalities across the Province of British Columbia. These illustrated, all-day workshops were to encourage private home-owners to preserve and restore their homes in a historically-appropriate manner, and contribute to the preservation of heritage and Community in their own town.
For Community Pride Program – Province of British Columbia
Stuart Stark has for many years presented lectures on architectural history and building preservation, for community groups and educational gatherings.
Stuart Stark has presented many walking and bus tours for professional groups such as The National Trust of Australia; Heritage Canada; and international conferences, and he has hosted receptions for The Victorian Society and the Heritage Society of B.C. Other walking tours have been presented on a volunteer basis to raise both awareness and funds for community awareness of Heritage.